i want to take a moment to sing the praises of the avocado. in a world of cheeseburgers and tofu, the avocado is the sustenance of the gods. it's fleshy. it's green. it tastes great with a sprinkling of salt (preferably eaten right out of the skin, while sitting on the side of the road in the hawaiian sun while you are wearing just a bathing suit*). mash it up and you have guacamole, a cinco-de-mayo-esque mush of garlicky goodness. and avocado is good for you! all that fat is the "good fat." (what? you say good fat is a myth? that's crazy talk. so unpretty.)
*sorry for the digression... a little reminiscing never hurt anybody. or does it?
and its great to rub all over your-er, nevermind.
I eat a whole one of these at least once a week, even though the corners of my mouth tingle and turn red and blotchy and unpretty and my co-workers avert their eyes from my minor allergic reaction, knowing I can't resist it plain with a little salt. The BEST!
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