I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams. (Hamlet, II.ii)
please post a comment as to what you think this means...
unpretty (un pret-ty)(adj.): unpleasing or unattractive in an ungraceful or undelicate way. See synonyms "tacky", "hot mess" or "a sin".
Let me guess. You're comparing yourself to Hamlet now. You have so much in common with one of history's most conflicted and disturbed literary characters. Just like you totally understand Tom Hanks' pain in "Philadelphia"...
This statement comes shortly after Hamlet tells Guildenstern and Rosencrantz that Denmark (along with the rest of the world) is a prison.
I always took it to mean 'imprisonment would be ok if I were oblivious. but I'm not. so it sucks.'
extra credit: Hamlet E-Text and Guildenstern and Rosencrantz are dead
It means that although you are imprisoned, whether literally or figuratively, you are free to feign yourself a transcendental king of time and space with the understanding that you will periodically awake to find yourself a prisoner.
awesome. i love our readers.
please. they all just looked it up. especially CM. She is a fraud.
what if it turned out tha anon was my mom!!!
please. they all just looked it up. especially CM. She is a fraud.
what if it turned out tha anon was my mom!!!
Please, beanorama. Their are parents practically lining up to pay CM a hefty sum of money to teach their children.
If I saw the whole text, I could tell you. I man not be a smart man, but I know Shakespeare...
You havin' bad dreams boo?
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