On Chris Matthews' show on Sunday, one of the panelists suggested that Palin may run for President in 2012. And just in case you're wondering, no, it wasn't some sort of Halloween prank. The panelist was dead serious. I'm assuming that the creators of this website must've either heard the same rumor or assumed that if McCain wins the election, he'll presumably drop dead immediately following the election, leaving Palin as President.
Here's a frightening sneak peak at what the Oval Office would look like. After watching this fright fest, I was reminiscing about the innocent days of 'yore when the most worrisome activities in the Office involved bjs, mystery stains & cigars.
*Be sure to click on everything, especially the front door. Also, this website will be updated daily 'til Nov. 4th, so check back daily!
Where'd Russia go?
If Palin runs for President in 2012, at least she has name recognition going for her... but, at this point, that may not work in her favor
Yeah, I think that she's going to continue to be punchline. That, and Hillary would literally eat her if she attempted to run.
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