Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is Lindsay Lohan anorexic or what?

Has anyone seen the recent photos of LiLo? Rumors are flying again that she's battling her eating disorder again (or cocaine) & there was even some sordid story that she & Samantha Ronson are in some twisted self-image competition to see who can be the thinnest. More importantly, I'm still trying to decide whether or not her boobs are real. She seems to be the only chick that manages to drop major poundage & still have large breasts.

To me, that's what inquiring minds really want to know.


I apologize for my obnoxious use of punctuation in the title, but that's how strongly I feel about this great show. Season 1 was awesome & Season 2 just started so it's not too late to get caught up. Glenn Close kicks a**. It's on Wednesdays @ 10 p.m. on FX. Since nothing else good comes on at that hour, what's your excuse not to watch it?

P.S. - if anyone starts watching this show & loves it, feel free to update me regularly since I don't have DVR & it ends past my bedtime, I frequently fall asleep during the show & miss the ending :).

I can't wait until February 17th

First of all, if you're one of those jerks that hasn't upgraded their tv yet, please do so that I can stop hearing the commercials. However, I doubt that any technologically advanced SoUnpretty readers would be so behind as to still have rabbit ears & an analog tv :). I just want February 17th to arrive so that we can stop seeing the commercials. However, I know that there's going to be some major technical difficulties for people that didn't get the message over the past year (I'm going to include my mom in this group) & we'll continue to see the commercials. Like winter, I give the commercials another six weeks before it's over.

My New Favorite Group: Kings of Leon

So, I first heard of this group at a U2 concert back in '05. They had opened for them & I thought had done a damn good job. I was able to find their stuff on Itunes, but hadn't heard any of their music on the radio. Fast forward almost 4 years later & I can't drive to/from work without hearing at least 1 of their 2 new songs, Use Somebody & Sex on Fire (I'm assuming that "fire" is the good kind of fire, right?).

Anyway, if you haven't heard their music yet, definitely check it out. It's pretty good.

Did you ever have one of those days...

when from the moment you wake up all you can think about is going back to bed in the evening & snuggling under your nice, warm covers to shut out the dreariness of the day? Yeah?
I've been having that kind of day all month.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's that time of year again.....

Time for Irish potatoes! My favorite is the homemade kind, but since I don't know anyone who's willing/able to make them for me (*cough* hubby, *cough*), I've had to resort to buying them from the grocery store. Whichever style you prefer, I still think that they're delish.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!

My first niece, Nora Elizabeth Burke, is here! And ain't she amazing?

Monday, January 05, 2009