Monday, November 24, 2008

Who the hell does Oprah think she is?

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but apparently, Oprah has decided not to do a “Favorite Things” episode in the traditional sense this year. And by “traditional sense”, I mean when Oprah roles out all of this over-the-top free crap & the audience members lose all of their sense & go completely batshit crazy. Oprah has decided not to do her traditional “Favorite Things” episode in an attempt to sympathize with the everyday consumer & instead offer a show that will show audience members & viewers how to make “heartfelt” gifts from scratch that will cost virtually nothing. I just hope that Oprah’s audience members won’t flip out when they discover that this is not the freebie orgy that they were expecting & storm the stage. Even though, I would think that in today’s economy, Oprah’s show provides just what various retailers need: free advertising so that consumers will spend money. So, in lieu of what’s bound to be a disappointment to both the audience members & viewers, I’ve decided to post a real video that I found of her audience members' reaction & this SNL parody again just for ol’ times sake:

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