Monday, October 06, 2008

I'm not a hypochondriac

But meningitis always gets to me. Not to say that I always get it, but the fear of the quick killer often worries me. Anytime that I have cold symptoms and neck pain at the same time, I start freaking out. Yes, I realize that the neck soreness sometimes comes along with colds, but knowing this doesn't ease my anxiety. I mean, the big M can claim a victim in just 24 hours.

Anyway, today my neck and upper back were killing my because of (I think) a bouncy boat ride on a North Carolina lake On Sunday. And tonight, of course, I felt a sniffle coming on. I will give an update tomorrow to let all you So Unpretty readers know how I'm feeling...if I'm still around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have faced the fact that i will always be a hypochondriac. once you embrace it, its incredibly comforting.