Thursday, October 02, 2008

Twitter killed the blog star.

Alright ya'll. SoUnpretty has been pretty... lacking for the past few months. I know I am not helping AT ALL by not posting since I had long hair, I mean... WOAH. 

So, the culprit to this lack of blogging? Everyone's favorite micro-blog, Twitter.
Now when I have an asinine thought I want to share with I shorten it to 140 characters and broadcast it to the world. 

So anyway, sorry blog for cheating on you with your younger, sexier and more popular-for-now cousin, Twitter. 

Please forgive me?


Flip Flop Girl said...

Well, it won't be easy, but we'll work on it. It will take time, honesty, trust, and posts. Hopefully someday we'll be back to where we were before.

So Unpretty

NotoriousALG said...

I said this the other day! "I've lost you all to Twitter!"