Tuesday, June 16, 2009

KGB – Worst name for a business EVER

Have you seen commercials for this company called KGB (Knowledge Generation Bureau)? They’re supposed to be kind of like a 411 information system for cell phone users. I get that they purposely chose this name for shock value, I just question to what extent that they want to shock people. The first time that I saw a commercial, I just thought that it was done in very bad taste. The commercials usually show people rushing around dressed in black on a mission to get information. On the website, it even asks if one has what it takes to be a special agent, which to me just reinforces the idea that some genius thought that their approach would be hilarious & edgy.

One generally doesn’t conjure up funny images or thoughts when you think of the KGB in the traditional sense. I think of spying, work camps, Siberia, lack of privacy, etc. I’m surprised that in this day and age, there isn’t some Survivors of the KGB or Children/Grandchildren of KGB victims group or something that’s opposed to this blatant *wink, wink* disregard to actual victims of the KGB. If you’ve ever seen the movie The Lives of Others, it gives you a real sense of what having your life spied upon is truly like.

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