Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Apparently, there really is a Parents of the Year Award...

And these fuckers won it. If you're like most people, at some point in your life you've muttered the phrase "Parents of the Year" in a sarcastic fashion. Usually, against people whose parenting is so atrocious there's no way in hell they would win such an award if one were actually given out.

Well, keep an eye on the sky today for pigs flying 'cause not only is there such an award but the Fugglars or Duggars or whatever the fuck their in-bred constantly breeding names are, just won it. No, I don't know whether or not The Parents' Day Council are 1) punking us; 2) consists of mouth-breathing multiple breeders; 3) consists of stoners that think this is the funniest shit ever. What I am pretty certain of is that someone was experiencing a Whitney Houston/Amy Wino-type high on some pure,uncut, unadulterated BS when they came up with this fuckery.

The Fugglars have gotten way too much press and attention (thanks TLC!) as it is for reproducing like horny, freaky bunnies. However, in Michelle Fugglars defense, I don't think that she intentionally gets pregnant anymore. I think her ovaries are already hanging outside of her body from giving birth so many times. I think she puts them in a wheelbarrow beside here when she walks around. So, the last dozen times that she became pregnant, I think it happened 'cause she accidentally rolled over into some semen left over from her husband's wet dream & before she knew it - preggers-!

I think the best way to combat this is for the media to start turning on these people & treating them like the Gosselins. Only then will they retreat to the background, like the kids that you never picked on your team to play with for a dodgeball game. And then, when the teacher made you put the freaks on your team, you mercilessly beat the crap out of them with that medicine/dodgeball. It's the only way that famewhores like this will learn. And,yep, it all comes back to grade school.

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