Thursday, July 24, 2008

I don't think your baby is cute.

Last night I saw The Dark Knight at the Roxy on Sansom Street. I enjoyed the film, but I did not enjoy the crying infant in the row next to me. As soon as I saw the mom/dad/baby entered, I knew the outcome would not be good. Of course he/she kept crying, the inconsiderate parents would keep getting up to go to the lobby, and then they would come back in only to repeat the process. Eventually, they gave up and left the movie, and there was a sigh of relief from the crowd.

Thanks for ruining the first half of the movie for all the patrons who decided not to bring crying babies.

On a related note, I feel the same way about people who bring infants on airplanes. Unless they are going to visit family or making a necessary trip, people should not be so thoughtless to bring a baby on a plane where he/she will inevitably cry and scream from the air pressure. My Hawaii flight two years ago was a disaster - six hours of high-pitched screaming didn't exactly get our vacation off to a good start.


Beanorama said...

we already discussed this in real time, but I agree with no babes in the movies, disagree to the planes.

Bendy was good on a plane. if you give them the bottle it helps with their ear popping.

NotoriousALG said...

Write all babies of the world a letter. Sometimes they are *ssholes. BTW, you should read the doozy I just scribed.

Flip Flop Girl said...

Beano, you tried to disagree with planes, but you really didn't. You just kept talking about visiting family, which I clearly state is an exception. Snap.

Anonymous said...

Babies on airplanes- I have to agree with Beanorama. Plus, how do you have any way of knowing if it is a necessary trip or visiting family anyway? So it is best to assume they are and put on your Bose noise reduction earphones. And hope a large smelly man doesn't sit down next to you.

Flip Flop Girl said...

The baby on his way to Hawaii was going on vacation. This I know for a fact based on overheard convo on the plane. All I'm sayin is that people need to be considerate of others, and many aren't. For example, vacationing baby and movie-buff baby. Unnecessary and rude.

Anonymous said...

but could it have been a FAMILY vacation? like, the last the family would be able to celebrate together as Aunt Madge has a rare form of cancer and this is likely her last family trip?? Did you know that????

Flip Flop Girl said...

Most unlikely. They were from Utah or something and staying in some hotel on Wakiki Beach. First time to Hawaii for all. First flight for the baby, who I think was about 6 years old. Just mom, dad and kid. They got some discount at the hotel.

Flip Flop Girl said...

And end please. This is being taken WAY to far/seriously. Obvi I don't know if all babies are going to see a dying aunt. I assume many aren't.


Beanorama said...

babies rule, teenagers drool.