Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Adventures in High-Rise Apartment Living, Part I: Smelly chick

As some So Unpretty readers know, I live in a high rise apartment building. My building makes up 1 of 4, actually, so you can imagine that there are quite a few people that call this place home. Given that there are many people that comprise the resident population, it's a given that there are many different personalities & people that I come across on a daily basis. One of these people is someone that I've not-so-affectionately nicknamed - Smelly Chick.

Smelly Chick has been grating my nerves for at least a year. She hasn't done anything to me really, she just stinks. Her personal stench is an offense upon my nose. See, Smelly chick & I work out in the fitness center at the same time. Her usual attire is cute running shorts, top, Ipod & matching Ipod armband. There's only one problem, she smells as though she just rolled out of bed. She & I both work out in the morning. I can understand the wanting to go to the gym in the morning to get an early workout in. However, it takes me all of 5 minutes to brush my teeth, wash my face, pop in my contacts and put deodorant on. She, on the other hand nixes the idea of morning grooming and heads straight to the gym. To add to her morning stench, Smelly Chick is an avid runner. Every time I see her, she's pounding out miles on the treadmill. So to add to her morning funky fragrance, you can add in sweat. By the time she's done exercising, she looks like something out of a Gatorade commercial. Her stench is so bad, I can smell her FOUR machines away! Initially, it was funny. Now, 1 year later, I'm irritated beyond belief. Sometimes, I feel like stopping my workout because I can't breathe. Plus, it doesn't take a lot to get me irritated first thing in the morning.

There's no way that she can't smell herself. Why should I or anyone else have to put up with her stench? Since approaching her & bringing it to her attention in a polite fashion is a fairly difficult task, I've tried weighing different options:

1. I could start exercising in the evening - No, I'm a morning person, I feel better when I get my daily fitness requirement done & over with. Plus, eff- that, why should I change my habits because of 1 person?
2. I could punch her in the face ( Violent, yes, but like I've said, this has been a problem for over a year, it's disgusting & really starting to piss me off) - No, this chick cranks out miles on that treadmill & she'd probably chase me down before I could even put my feet into motion. On the other hand, she weighs 2 pounds, so I could probably beat her.... I mean, could I get into legal trouble for that? IF so, it would be like that Seinfeld episode where Jerry forces the maitre 'd to sit in his smelly car to check for b.o. If a judge disputed me, I'd put him in the same fitness center with little air circulation and Smelly Chick pounding out the miles. Still weighing this option.
3. Maybe I'm misjudging her, maybe her stench to her is like what "Sexyback" on my Ipod is to me - it motivates me to exercise harder when I've got great music playing. Maybe she's using her stench as some kind of motivator - she's trying to outrun it. If this is the case, I guess I'll continue to do nothing about approaching her.
4. I hide behind a wall & attack her with aerosol antiperspirant & deodorant when she comes into the gym - Maybe. This would kill 2 birds with one stone - I've not so subtly told her that she stinks & now she smells decent enough for me to occupy the same room with her.
5. I tell her that she stinks & she should take care of it - for the sake of the everyone else's noses - Maybe. She might have hurt feelings, but that's nothing compared to the way she's been assaulting my sense of smell of late. Then, if she continues to consciously come to the gym stinking; she'd decided to ignore my feelings, which means that I can then proceed to exercise option 2.....

I don't know.

It kinda goes without saying, but B. O. ..... So Unpretty


Anonymous said...

She hasn't done anything to me really, she just stinks.

best line ever.

Flip Flop Girl said...

This is great. She kind of reminds me of the pissing dog I live with (not really but I sympathize with your problem). The only option I can think of for that is to flush the Yorkie down the toilet. Maybe you should do the same to Smelly Chick.