Monday, October 09, 2006

Say no to food!

Ummmm… I’ve seriously been thinking about giving up food. Apparently you have to worry about everything you eat these days.
Yet again, there has been another recall of something that we all consume, almost, everyday. Lettuce…. (I believe Beanorama even wrote an ode to Salad Works a few days ago)
This is yet another e-coli recall, similar to the e-coli recall of bagged spinach a few weeks ago. It’s kinda weird because a colleague of mine asked whether most fertilizers have manure in them. If so, is it so farfetched that there might be e-coli contamination?
Either way, since there about a recall a month of something I ingest… I think food is now off limits because e-coli and dying is so unpretty…. But then again, so is starving… Hmmmmm, what to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the answer is to grow our own food. can overalls be pretty?