Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bladder Be Gone

for some reason when i am at work it seems like such a nuisance to go pee. why must i stop whatever i am doing every 3 hours or so to empty my tank? i hate it so much that it makes me want to not drink any fluids during the day, but then i would have to give up my coffee, my coke zero and my daily dose of airborne.

oh-why-oh-why must the bathroom be located OUTSIDE of our office? and why-oh-why can i not place a greater priority on relieving myself?

everyday i find myself literally gritting my teeth in pain as i hold it so i can just get that, god!

beano, i know you have the same problem. thank god we have started granting each other permission to get up and GO! i swear i wouldnt if you didnt yell at me sometimes.

do you think our office supply catalog sells commodes?


NotoriousALG said...

Unusual, I found out that both my CEO and his executive assistant have their own bathrooms inside of their offices. I decided it will be my life's goal to become CEO, if only for the personal toilet.

Anonymous said...

ah, yes. that and you will be the first ceo to pull off the professional pony tail :)

Beanorama said...

i think a variation on this post is on this blog about 3 times. Apparantly So Unpretty has issues with urine control.