Monday, April 16, 2007

Why OCD pays.

Are you one of those people that goes back to check to make sure the oven is off? Who can't rest unless they SEE the iron unplugged? I am too, I admit. It's not a super-duper case of OCD, just enough to keep me on edge.

And I'm not ashamed, oh no. Because OCD pays. Today, I got a block away from my apartment before a nagging feeling about my hair straightener came over me. I stood for a good ten seconds on the sidewalk, trying to quell my inner obsessive, until I gave into temptation and hoofed back to my apt.

And what to my wondering eyes did appear but my hair straightener, in the locked position, but plugged in and ON.

Thank you, OCD. Without you, Ruby might have burned her little kitty nose. Or my apt might be ashes.


Anonymous said...

i am totally OCD when it comes to my iron being unplugged before i leave (i check it even when i KNOW I HAVENT USED IT THAT MORNING-IS THAT SICK OR WHAT?!).

i also have to check that i lock the front door, at least 3 times before i can leave the house.

someone call a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Good thing your cat knows how to turn on the faucet.

Fire Damage > Water Damage