Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Last night after an incredibly taxing softball game where I played my heart out (not true, I read the J.Crew catalog), we went to Cherry Street Tavern for a post-game beer and food.

And that, my friends, is where I fell in love with a sandwich. That's right. A sandwich. Their turkey special sando was unreal. Fresh turkey, NO cheese, cole slaw and Russian dressing on marble bread.

Yes, I will have to do double work-outs today to compensate, but it was awesome.

Cole slaw is among the loves of my life.

(This picture is of the corned beef special. I ate the turkey sandwich too quicky for Wolfie to take a picture of it.)


Anonymous said...

double workouts for the russian dressing?! you are devoted to your health!

god bless you.

and yes, that purse IS gorge.

NotoriousALG said...

Doubles for the cole slaw, too. I want that purse.

AlltheRAGE said...

My mouth is watering... You know I share your love, borderline obsession with food and all things turkey!

Anonymous said...

It's called "a Reuben". Get over it.

NotoriousALG said...

Dear Anonymous - I don't believe a Reuben has cole slaw on it. There's no need to be rude.