Monday, May 12, 2008

Is Underage Drinking & Driving Only Frowned Upon During Prom Season?

On my commute to work, I've noticed that two high schools have the typical "scared straight" drunk driving/totaled cars situated in the front of the school. This lead me to think - is underage drunk driving only frowned upon during prom season? Why does there seem to be so much emphasis put on this single night? Are schools implying that if this were to happen during other parts of the school year, it would be ok? Shouldn't the expectation be that kids aren't supposed to drink anyway? Nor should they be driving drunk? Hell, if there was ever a night in teenage years to suffer from an untimely death, it may be prom night. Think of all the things that may have happened by then and/or that night:

1) Probably lost your "v"card.
2) You've experienced what it's like to be drunk, however, you clearly haven't learned what your limit is.
3) You've gotten accepted into college, but you have yet to carry the burden of worrying about your future, a career, pulling all-nighters & student loan repayment.
4) Finally, this is probably the most dressed up you've ever been & even if you're wrapped around a tree, at least you'll look great.

So, for all of those high schoolers out there contemplating getting behind the wheel while drunk, I say go for it. You've clearly demonstrated that you're adult enough to accomplish the other things ahead of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my brother's high school is preaching against driving while sleepy.

not drunk driving.

isnt that weird?