Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Maasai.

I love the Maasai. They are a peaceful, gentle tribe. They are polygamous, women are public property, they leave their dead in the open for hyenas, and they sometimes drink cow blood (as I have mentioned) but I still think they are gentle and kind. Some are very familiar with mzungus ( like Zac) and some (like the above) rarely see mzungus. We threw these kids some cookies (or, "biscuits" in the UK) and they went nuts. And we had hours of good camera fun with the man and the woman. They were so rural that they only spoke Maasai, not Swahili, at all. They commented on my (fake) pearl earrings, they wanted money for taking their photo, and then a 13 year old girl showed up with a baby on her back. When the baby saw white people, he was scared shitless, poor thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that maasai woman is beautiful. she reminds me of nana from ANTM.