Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's True, Stage Fright is Crippling....

There is nothing that bothers me more than when someone comes into the bathroom and sits in the stall next to me when there are three more available. I think it is appropriate bathroom etiquette to leave an empty stall between visitors when possible.

I get raging stage fright and cannot onesie when there is someone next to me. It's pathetic, I know.

I am forced to wait and think about the fact that the stalls are branded, "Hiney Hiders."


miz cynical said...

I hear 'ya. I, too get "performance anxiety" when someone sits next to me. ESPECIALLY if they're on their cell phone too.

Anonymous said...

Hiney Hiders. hilarious.

aaronic said...

imagine the same thing... with urinals. *shudders*

Beanorama said...

1) I feel like we have posted this same sentiment a lot. it's obv something we feel strongly about

2) I always have thought hiney hiders was insanely wonderful!