Friday, December 07, 2007

Oprah has ruined reading for me

A couple of weeks ago, my sister-in-law gave me a book called "Eat, Pray, Love". It was supposed to be part of her mommy book club, or whatever. *Editor's note, see below.* She said that I was free to take it, because she just saw the author featured on Oprah, where they discussed the hell out of it & she felt like she already knew the story so there was no reason to read it.

Well, it just so happens that they replayed that episode again the other day & now I know the entire story & there's no point in reading it.

Thanks, Oprah.

P.S. - if anybody wants to borrow this book, let me know.

* Don't get me started on how useless this special book club is. Those broads have a whole month to read a book that takes me about a week to finish. Why so long? 'Cause they have kids. Wah. Cry me a river, already.*

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