Wednesday, December 05, 2007

This Movie is the Shiz

i. cannot. wait.

and it comes out on my bday, 1/18/08! its like a gift from god...zilla.


Flip Flop Girl said...

Even though this took FOR-EV-ER to load on my comp, it does look good. However, I hope it does not resemble War of the Worlds (the newer one) when people are just running from some unexplained being or force and then it seems they just run out of film and end the movie. Lame-o.

Anonymous said...

whoah, whoah, whoah---YOU saw WoftheW?

how in the hell did you manage to sit through that, Miss I Hate Scary Movies or Anything with High Pitched Music with Tension and Suspense.

Flip Flop Girl said...

I hate HORROR movies. There's a difference. I did get scared in parts, but those kind of films don't scare me as much as a Scream or Nightmare on Elm Street. It's a fine line.