Sunday, December 02, 2007

Winter Denial.

When I awoke this morning, I had a craving for pancakes so I had to run to the convenience store to get eggs. The street and cars were covered in white. "Oh, how nice," I thought. "Petals everywhere!"

But the thought bothered me. Where are white petals coming from? Isn't my street full of puke-smelling ginko trees? Then As I got closer the the cars, I saw... snow. And ice. What a bummer!

I really am a sun and summer type of girl. Why don't I live in San Diego?


miz cynical said...

Ugh. I hear 'ya. It's 83 in Miami right now. Road trip!

AlltheRAGE said...

You should move to San Diego... You wouldn't be missing much since we'd all find reasons to be right there with you. :)

Anonymous said...

because i am here!!!