Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Neuroses Unite!

It's always comforting to realize other people have the same neuroses as I do... for instance, I have learned of two other people who keep their car doors unlocked on the highway in case of a dire accident. Hey, we are just saving the State the cost of hauling in the Jaws of Life!

Also, every time we got stuck in traffic crossing the bridge on the Schuylkill, another friend and I used to devise our escape plan in case the bridge collapsed. (Said escape plan: grab purses, run and pray. So doi.)

Although I don't think anyone shares my need to prohibit dark socks in bed. I guess that's just me.


Anonymous said...

Beanorama: i think i speak for all of our readers when i say "wow".

Dark socks in bed? that needs a little more explanation because thats a first.

you're still adorable :)

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! Beanorama sounds really hot...and what a good writer!