Tuesday, April 11, 2006

why do we care?

so, why is it, i have to ask myself that i/you/we care about celebrities? what does it do for us to know every single cellular detail about their tacky little lives? can i use one more question mark?

?...there i feel better...i really do. back to my ranting now:

it disturbs me sometimes how much i seem to care when i find out what stupid thing paris hilton was quoted saying...i think i read recently that she proclaimed herself most "awesomest" girl in the whole world. whoever that reporter was that swallowed that bullshit with a wink and a smile should be shot for not bitch slapping paris the instant she said that.

am i/you/we so easily fascinated because we lack fascinating lives or is it just so that we can mock those who have had life served to them on a silver tiffany's platter, yet still manage to look like total assholes to the public at large because one thing money cannot buy them is a brain. but isn't that why they employ publicists? paris needs to fire hers. so unpretty....

in the end, i have to just admit and own up to the fact that i love reading celeb trash and i will not stop until one of two things happen-i go blind or i myself become a celebrity and even then, i will read about myself on the daily basis...

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