Thursday, March 13, 2008

Newsweek: How I love thee.

Let me count just a few of the ways:

-Fareed Zakaria: I would marry this guy. He takes the complexities of the situation in the vast Middle East, and makes them understandable. He also has a very realistic--yet hopeful--outlook on the world, which I love about him. He can sum up "These are the ways the US / current administration has majorly fucked up our place in the world, but hey-- we can repair it if we do this... " Awesome.

-Raina Kelley: She went freegan for a month. She used to edit Tipsheet (the awesome section in the back). She admitted on the pages of a major newspaper that she was too scared of people's opinions of her choice to vote in the primary. She seems nice and smart.

-The cartoons and the quotations page: yea, yea, I know Time does this too. But Newsweek does it better... always have. When I was just a tyke, this is the only page I would read. But honestly, it summarizes the issues of the week quite well.

-My Turn: a column written by an average joe about a simple aspect of their lives. They one time published a satirized My Turn, and oh! it was just so spot on.

-Anna Quindlen: I don't really like her books. But I love her last pages in Newsweek. She takes complex, gray-area issues and just talks some common sense into us fools! She gives you permission to not have black and white opinions. She was the first person that I read that actually made the sensitive and common-sense argument that you can be pro-choice and feel badly about it. Although she said it much smarter than I just did.

Newsweek, I have read you longer than I read my other beloved periodical, Jane Magazine (may it rest in peace). You are the best thing in my mailbox on Tuesday. Keep up the good work, Jon Alter and your brilliant minions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i could never imagine reading this. especially on the reg.