Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh. Em. Gee.

If you don't love this, then you certainly weren't a tween in the late '80s, early '90s: What Claudia Wore.

A blog dedicated to the outfits of Claudia Kishi! You know, Claudia? The dyslexic Asian in The Baby Sitters Club [the BSC]?

God, Jezebel, I love you.

Real quick, a rundown of the other characters:
MaryAnne: annoyingly shy and goody toeshoes
Dawn: diabetic California surfer girl. Older than her years.
Stacy: cool blonde. Destined to be a coke head in college I bet.
Kristy: a lesbian
Mallory: younger, a dork, bad hair
Jessi: younger, a dork.


Flip Flop Girl said...

I never really got into TBC. I read like two books. I was more interested in books about the Holocaust, the abolitionist movement and civil rights. My parents were worried for a little while there.

NotoriousALG said...

God, I love the BSC. I even made "Kid Kits" for when I babysat. Beanie, Jessi was also a ballerina. And Mary Ann had a bf, Logan, that looked hot. I think Stacey also could've had an eating disorder.

mo cheeks said...

LOVED bsc. also love that claudia blog.