Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What the F---

mmmkay, so last night i watched "Half Nelson" starring one Mr. Ryan Gosling. if you are expecting sweet, innocent, passionate ryan from the notebook, keep walking, sister.

this movie was straight up disturbing. i think it was good. because i was disturbed. and a movie that can disturb you must be good...right? or is that my inner hipster scratching up to the surface of my superficial life?

no matter.

this movie could have stood to be demoted on my netflix queue a spot or two...or ten.

speaking of netflix, my next movies are (and in chrono order):
The Last King of Scotland
The Invisible
Evan Almighty
All About Eve
Good Luck Chuck
Perfect Stranger


Beanorama said...

i enjoyed half nelson. but i also enjoy books and movies about addicts.

if you are watching from a PC not a MAC, Helvetica is available for automatic playing, you don't have to wait for it. It is on mine as well.

MJL said...

My PC-watching capabilities haven't been working lately, and it don't make me happy. I've tried to watch Born Into Brothels multiple times and no dice. I guess I'll just add it to my queue.

I enjoyed Half Nelson as well.

ericsmithrocks said...

Oooh, move Last King of Scotland further down the list and read the book first. It's an awesome read. :)