Monday, November 26, 2007

Can I borrow Ruby?

Well, mark it down. On November 25, 2007, I saw my first city mouse. It was in my kitchen sink, and I had a minor heart attack. It was awful. Without getting into the gory details, the mouse is now rotting in hell. But, I was thinking this morning about Tom and Jerry. As a naive child, I would root for Jerry, the disgusting, disease-ridden mouse. What a sick kid I was. Also, if I had a cat like Tom who couldn't catch a mouse, I would be in the market for a new feline. I must end this post now, as I need to call an exterminator.


Beanorama said...

you can borrow her for reals, if you want.

I think she would enjoy the change of pace.

miz cynical said...

A cat will def help with your mouse problem.

Anonymous said...

Get some glue traps. And ask Beanorama what they are like. :)

Smedelicious said...

Your best bet is getting a cat. They usually leave when they smell a cat, and if not, your cat will catch him.

My cat has one eye and he catches mice like a pro.

Otherwise, they will kind of never go away. And look how cute Ruby is!!

Beanorama said...

don't ever get the gluetraps!

And in other news, welcome, Katiya!