Monday, November 26, 2007

Can You Imagine?

ok, you know its stressful enough to feud with a best friend, but can you even imagine being these two? Who's got the better magazine cover? I do! I do! That's a First Class ticket to Stress Vegas.

don't feel too bad for these dollies though. who knows if their battle is even real. and who do they think they are? the new paris and nicole? heidi definitely is getting that sickly rachel zoe look about her, so maybe...

these girls should make peace. and by make peace, i mean claw each other's eyes out.

whitney needs a spin off.


Beanorama said...

dude, Heidi has redic plastic surgery & is just 21! Plus, her fiancee is a dick. Bad role model for the teens reading this.


But the other night I did dream that my head was on Heidi's body and IT. WAS. AWESOME.

So, yea, I'm a hypocrit.

Smedelicious said...

Heidi needs to eat a cheeseburger.

Beanie, your body is better.