Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mike Who?

so i took the quiz, beano, hoping that it would finally help me decide between obama and hillary and was distressed to learn that my number one candidate was neither and even worse, it was a guy i have never even heard of!

1. mike gravel
2. dennis whatever
3. jon edwards

i don't know anything about MG except that we agree on a lot of things, so i guess that's saying something right? however, i do think jon edwards is just adorable and charming and very smart and passionate. and his name could very well be spelled john. i guess its ok to go with my number 3.

popsie tells me it doesnt matter who i vote for anyway. by the time i will vote, the demo will already be selected, so no big woop, huh?

1 comment:

miz cynical said...

Mike Gravel looks like Ed McMahon. You can also do some NBC survey to see who'd you'd rather have Thanksgiving with. Surprisingly, Hillary's winning that by a landslide.