Tuesday, November 20, 2007

If We Took A Holiday...

yes, as the material girl sang, if we take some time to celebrate it would be...it would be...it would be so nice.

i am sooo looking forward to the 5 day weekend. off work until next monday and does it feel great.

my plans, simple yet superb:

1. watch daytime tellie with my love muffin, Sadie.
2. dress up as a pilgrim.
3. eat lots of home cookin'.
4. do more shopping for xmas.
5. go see The Mist, sure to be awesome.

its less like thanksgiving and more like my Unusual's Favorite Things (shout out to Miz Cyn for posting the hilario Oprah spoof).

p.s. pictured above is a young martha stewart, who i have always imagined as the patron saint of thanksgiving. also, love her because she is polish.

peace, love and weight watchers, ya'll.

1 comment:

miz cynical said...

Nice Favorite Things List. I love Martha because she's polished, yet she looks like she fights dirty.