Friday, June 09, 2006

Can you wait another hour before putting on your lipstick?

something that really grosses me out is lipstick marks on coffee cups. people usually have their coffee in the morning. can't you wait until mid-morning before plastering your lips in hot pink paint, then having it smear all over the rim of the cup? am i ridiculous that this bugs me so much? misplaced kisses on coffee cups = so unpretty.


Jody said...

I agree. I usually survive with lipgloss or chapstick until it's safe to apply color. really, that early in the morning, no one is really looking hard at your face.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sister. There's nothing more grotesque than opening up the office microwave and finding a nasty ol' Starbucks cup smeared with hotpink lip goo that is now baked on to the cardboard cup as if glazed and fired in a kiln. The thought makes me want to hurl.