Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Million Dollar Baby

the jolie-pitts have finally delivered the ultimate slap in the face-their million dollar baby.

as if i wasnt jealous enough of her beauty and his good looks, their combined fame and fortune-now i can be jealous of the fact that a single snap shot of their new baby girl, Shiloh, pays them 4 million dollars.

let me re-type that...4 million dollars.

you may be wondering why the picture attached to this post is of a beach front Hawaaiin villa and not the jolie-pitts or their off-spring...thats because 4 million dollars could also buy you that.

excuse me while i throw up.


Beanorama said...

as my friend P said, it makes your bio clock tick tick. that baby is cute...

Jody said...

Yeah- but they are giving the money away and not keeping it for themselves.