Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yeah? And Your Point Is?

So, I get paid once a month. Which means when it gets to t-minus 8 days (like today), things get pretty intense. It's go-time and it means that I have to stretch my remaining bucks throughout a weekend and the beginning of another week. You would think that after having worked for this once-a-month company, I would be more akin to save, but that's just not me. As I once told a good friend's father, "Ya know how I see it? I have an entire lifetime to pay off debt." I think this mindset may be a small piece of the reason I wait for the trainers at my gym to turn their backs so I can take more than my allotted share of free fruit from the bowl that greets me every day.

Until next Thursday, I will pay for my coffee in change. I will stretch my cash out this weekend at the beach. I will mooch like you've never seen. Case in point? My Mom brought me lunch today.

I am 25. I own a house. I am relatively self-sufficient. But when it comes to buying groceries, I missed that boat. My roommates and I have been known to wittle our refrigerators down to its barest of bones and then look at the box of baking soda and consider eating that before going to Acme. So when my wonderful mother told me she was headed out to her house during lunch I said, "Why don't you whip up one of those wonderful chopped salads and drop it off to me?" I know, pathethic. But you must understand that I am a desperate gal. I can't live on Orbit gum all day.

So she did it. And I loved it. And the kicker?

"What are you doing for dinner?"
"I don't know, Mom. Want me to come?"
"Can you make paella?"
"You're pushing it, sister."


Beanorama said...

great pic. if I asked yo momma, she would bring me a chopped salad here in illadelphia. italian moms rule! i wish i had one. :( But my little dutchie mom is pretty nice too.

NotoriousALG said...

Why don't you just eat my lunches like you did 8th grade-through high school? And you wonder why I am so emaciated.

Jody said...

I'm living off raw almonds at the office until the end of the month, so I feel ya.
What's up with the once-a-month thing? What kind of operation are you working for?

Anonymous said...

this was so funny.
do italian moms make paella?

NotoriousALG said...

Jody, I work in corporate communications for a Fortune 100 company. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. And yes, Unus, my Mom can make some wicked paella. Yes, we're from Boston.

Beanorama said...

processing check 1x/mo is cheaper. you are not from boston, Notorious! You are from heaven.
