Friday, July 21, 2006

And that's okay conmigo.

marketers say those of us in the 18-35 demographic are growing more and more immune to advertising in all its forms, and that we have no brand loyalty. considering i'll buy whatever's cheapest at the mo, i agree for the most part. however, i've always had a soft spot in my heart for tylenol, especially because my pops put the fear of god in my about asprin and rhys syndrome. well, now a tylenol commercial has cemented my loyalty. in it, a very sincere ceo says if you are going to take more than the reccommended dosage, she prefers that you just don't take tylenol. and she's ok with that.

i can't stand it when people take more than the reco'd dosage of any over-the-counter med. it's so ridiculous. what, your headache is worse than all headaches the scientists who created the drug had accounted for? come on. it's wasteful and so american. and almost everybody does it.

i'm getting all hot and bothered right now and need to relax. beanorama, it's not that big a deal.

anyway, go tylenol! you rule!


NotoriousALG said...

I ALWAYS take more than I should.

Remember those Excedrin commercials where the guy was REALLY pissed off that he had a headache? "Who carries a glass of water with them?"

Jody said...

I usually try to wait out a headache, because I forget that there are remedies out there.
I never take more than they say I should. I'm always afraid it'll knock me out or make me sick or something. Plus I'm small and i rationalize that I don't always need the adult dosage.
And for me it is Advil.

Anonymous said...

couple of things i disagree with in this post:

a. i know a very brand loyal person that goes by the name of Flip Flop Girl-her passion is Pepsi and she can't even explain why-i can; its the magic of advertising.

b. that very sincere tylenol ceo that won your heart over? she's an actress and i've seen her in like two other commerials for jc penney and playtex.

c. i am not proud of this, but i have to take more than the recommended dosage because i have taken so much in the past that i am now immune.

why did i just go off? i have a feeling its because my stomache is turning itself inside out because of my meal last night.


Flip Flop Girl said...

Pepsi-Cola hits the spot
Twelve full ounces, that's a lot
Twice as much for a nickle, too
Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you!

Anonymous said...

see what i mean? its sorta of sick.

Smedelicious said...

I used to have brand loyalty for Tylenol, since that's what I grew up with. Fever? Tylenol. Aches? Tylenol. Anything else? You guessed it, Tylenol. But now I like Excedrin, btu it may have something to do with my caffeine addiction.