Monday, July 31, 2006

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.

I just (blush) used the ladies' room, and what to my wondering eyes did appear but cigarette ash on the toilet seat. What, are we in an all-girls high school in 1975, sneaking ciggies in the loo? How strange. I work with all adults (minus a few interns here and there)... why would anyone smoke in the bathroom? (Why would anyone smoke at all is a more appropriate question.) I mean, I know the heat index is 108 degrees or something, but don't put your ash where I put my ass. Okay?


NotoriousALG said...

Maybe someone at your work likes party breath. And who can blame them?

MJL said...

Maybe the woman made an unusually stinky "deposit" and wanted to try and mask the smell with one of her Virginia Slims.

Anonymous said...

it was me! ok? now back off!

just kidding...or am I?