Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Ash is making me blog this.

This was "hidden" in a comment so ATS wants a full post on it.

But if I know our loyal readers (and I think I do) you read comments. Anyway, here goes. (Disclaimer: we do not need another Michael Vick-esque convo about innocent until proven guilty. For argument’s sake, I am going to consider the Senator’s case hypothetically guilty. Ok? Ok. Let’s move on.)

I just think it's lame that when accused of tapping his foot under a toilet stall to get some ass from a stranger, he acted like the worst thing he did was indicate that he might be gay. To that I say, “No, Senator, being gay isn't the bad thing. But what about lying, adultery, and soliciting sex from strangers? That's a little worse.”

Everyone thinks the Senator is so hypocritical because his political record shows he hasn’t supported gay rights. But I understand why he hasn’t. Because to him, the experience of being gay means just sex with strangers in dirty bathrooms. For him, the experience of being gay is something shameful, to hide. “Gay” for him doesn't equal healthy relationships, being parents, being gay in the workplace, having a healthy, normal albeit gay life or whatever. In his mind (I presume) being gay is something corrupt… so as a politician, why would he grant these “corrupt” people any rights?

I know I am thinking for him and putting words into his mouth. But, I am allowed to speculate, right? First amendment and all that.


aaronic said...

Senator Wide Stance

AlltheRAGE said...

Ewww with the sensorship... LOL

miz cynical said...

Beanorama - you needed to write a post on this given the epilogue that you wrote in ATS's post. If you didn't write about it, I was going to :).