Thursday, September 06, 2007

Reach for the Impossible

In order to save some money, I have decided to forgo cable television. I am just experimenting, but I am really trying to make it work. For some reason though, I can't even get basic channels. So I am quitting cold turkey. The comical part is that I keep forgetting that I don't have it. So, I'll be sitting around and notice the time and think "Will & Grace!" or "Friends!" or "The Hills!" As I reach for the remote, my 3D reality hits me, and I am left to ponder the memories the tube and I have shared. Ross and Rachel's first kiss. The OJ car chase. Seinfeld's finale disappointment. Jason cheating on LC with Jessica. Sam and Dianne bidding farewell. Carrie getting dumped on a post it. Corrie and Sean graduating high school with Minkus. Balky covering for heavily-medicated Larry just as he was supposed to meet Jennifer's parents. Zach, Slater and crew making an anti-drug video. Paul having a crush on Kevin's mom. Niles passing out at the sight of his own blood. Lorelai and Luke finally getting together. Steven slapping Irene. Stanley being black on Diversity Day. Homer gaining weight so he could be eligible for disability. And Donna getting drunk on prom night from one glass of champagne. 'Tis better to have loved and lost...


Anonymous said...

its better that you did this. by the looks of the second half of your post you needed an intervention. Stanley being black on diversity day? what the hells that from?

aaronic said...

jmoney doesn't watch the office?

If you have the internet, you have TV. Tell me you have internet.

miz cynical said...

Wow. I thought that I was an addict - you had some show references in there that I didn't even know about. Jmoney- you don't remember that episode of the office?

MJL said...

I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so...scared...

Beanorama said...

i just laughed throughout this whole post. Out loud laughing (i mean, lol...rotfl!! wtf). Ruby was like, "Mom, chill with all that rolling on the floor and laughing."

Then I thought in my heart, this is why I love The Flip Flop. Girl is a GOLDMINE.

Flip Flop Girl said...

I'm glad everyone can get some pleasure out of this difficult time. Incog, the closest thing I have to a computer is a toaster.

AlltheRAGE said...

Flip Flop, you toaster will keep you warm during the long, boring winter months since you don't have cable. OMG, this is too FREAKING funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

ff: i got all of the references. every single one.