Friday, July 07, 2006

All Hail Miss Waterworks!

Well, as my best pal has been singing the praises of squash and ginger-infused chicken, I have been crying my *ss off at work. They hired someone new to take over my role so I can move into something "bigger and better," but it hasn't been defined and I feel like a lost little kitten who's lost her mittens.

The powers that be posted the announcement while I was at lunch. I get back to my desk and read it and TEARS! TEARS! TEARS! Then my boss asks me if I am ok about my identity crisis and TEARS! TEARS! TEARS! It's the worst thing I've done in awhile. My boss even said, "This has to stop." Not good.

I know this much is mascara is most certainly not waterproof. I am ugly when I cry. My crying is terribly embarrassing...shaky voice, hiccups, clipped syllables. It ain't pretty. So unpretty? Uh huh.

I will never be a CEO. I cry at work too much. And I would most certainly stink at poker.


Beanorama said...

my first work cry was on my one year anniversary at my job, when i was so stressed out and someone said "well what have you been DOING all day??" i've cried (work related and not) probably 14 times since then. not a joke. it's ok AL. do you really want to be a CEO? then you wouldn't even be able to write your own speeches! And you luv writing speeches.

Anonymous said...

wow, crying at work is like using email for me. it just is apart of the job sometimes (ok, most of the time).

when you're a passionate person, especially about your career, tears are inevitable. don't beat yourself up. just stop wearing mascara.

Jody said...

Thankfully I have not cried yet at my year and a half here at my job, but I have said "I'm going to cry" or similar phrases to alert colleagues of my fragile emotional state. and then they fawn over me. Because when they cry I take over some of their workload to ease the burden. Why don't more people do that ?