Sunday, August 27, 2006

Found in Translation

to really say what you mean...ah, how rarely it happens.

(At work)
Person 1: You look tired today...
Person 2: Really? Gee...

Person 1: You look like shit today...
Person 2: Oh, yeah? Fuck off.

i wish people could be more obvious and up front about insulting you. i mean, its an insult within an insult-do they really think the insult is that well disguised that you won't pick up on it? being frank would make for much more exciting small talk. and what is with small talk anyway? if one more person makes a comment about the weather to me or the fact that it's almost the end of summer, i'm gonna poke them in the eye with my tide stick.

people, next time you want to tell someone they look like shit, without actually saying the word shit...just tell them they look so unpretty. they'll get it. and they'll thank you for your honesty and respect you for your blogger savvy.

1 comment:

aaronic said...

Im really not a fan of small talk either. Maybe cause I suck at it.

By the way, "Fuck Off" is one of the greatest phrases in the English language.