Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Crows Feet, Beware.

Last night I partook (partook?) in one of the most dangerous-to-the-wallet activities: shopping in a drug store. As I roamed the face wash aisle, perplexed at the anti-blemish, anti-aging, anti-blackhead washing opportunities, I am jolted from my intense concentration when I hear:

"Go alcohol free."
"Excuse me?" I said.
"Buy alcohol-free cleanser. Just look at me--" he whips off his black Dolce & Gabbana frames-- "I am forty-two years old. How old are you?"
"Twenty-six," I mumble, dropping my sometimes blemished, crows-footed head in shame.
"I look younger than you!" He exclaims, triumphantly, as he walks away.

So you know what I did? I bought into the hype and came home with anti-aging face wash. At age 26. But you know what? It is alcohol-free.


Anonymous said...

At age 25... almost 10 years ago now... I wandered into Douglas *arguably worse than the drug store for a poor grad student's wallet* at Liberty Place and was informed by the product pusher, er, sales woman that at 25 I really should get serious about my skin. No more clowning around and wahing my face with *gasp* SOAP. I believed her. Hell, she was wearing a smock. She must know about this stuff. Now, at age 34 I've come full circle. My face gets a daily scrub with *yep you guessed it* SOAP, of the natural/organic variety. Anyway, where I was going with all this is. I think we all should just be nice to our skin and not scare the hell out of it with chemicals, peels, crazy exfoliants etc. That's my old-lady wisdom for the day. Do with it what you will.

And by the way, Bean. I'd be willing to bet, that crazy queen did NOT look younger than you. He was just jealous.

Beanorama said...

35 is not old lady! Your skin is great... maybe I should go back to soap.

Anonymous said...

this whole exchange is shocking and very cinematic. this guy was a big fat drama queen.

MJL said...

With the stories I've read here, the slogan for Philadelphia should be changed from "City of Brotherly Love" to "City Where Everyone Feels the Need to Fuck With You While You're Going About Your Business."

It doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well, but I think it could stick!

Anonymous said...

That's weird. btw- sometimes when i am bored in meetings, i think about "cholly"- and his angels. and it makes everything better!