Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

ok, i found the feel good, feel crazy, feel sad movie of the year: Little Miss Sunshine.

all of the characters were superbly constructed and this film touched me in my special place. the themes of the film include the deconstruction of the nuclear family, attempted suicide, the trials and tribulations of a repressed homosexual, the self-asteem of a young girl, and america's crazy obsession with self-help. oh, and the corrupt world of child beauty pageants.

go see it and thank me by posting a comment about how much i am a cinematic genius and that i should be given an honorary oscar because i am that fucking good, man.

that is all.


NotoriousALG said...

I'm sorry. I almost wet myself. You are freaking hilarious.

Anonymous said...

that's OK sweetie, that's what emergency pants are for!

aaronic said...

I was on the fence about seeing this, but you just pushed me off the fence. After I dust myself off, I'm gonna try to see it this week.

Anonymous said...

good-you can pay me in candy and soda.