Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm no angel.

There's a brand of cat-call you get only in the city. Last night, around 11 pm I was unlocking the door to my building. A man walked by, carrying no fewer than four, countem four, cases of Pepsi.

"Where's Cholly?" he says to me.
"Uh, don't know." I reply. What??
"'Cause you're one of his angels."

Oh. Charlie. Charlie's Angels. Hilarious. And all that from a guy carrying huge amounts of cola.


Anonymous said...

wow. that's poetry in motion. did he at least offer you a beverage for that?

NotoriousALG said...

I hope he meant Farrah and not the one that has a line of synthetic fabric clothing at KMart. That was so CONOVA of me.

Flip Flop Girl said...

Pepsi was on sale this week. Four for $10. So, on the upside, he seems economical.