Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Just like Jessica Simpson and P. Diddy.

My name is Beanorama. I'm 26 years old. And I have adult acne.

I'm also a compulsive picker, so I have sweet little cuts on my face too. I just don't understand why I have not grown out of the acne phase. I qualify for cheaper car insurance! I've been a full-time employee for four years! I am a godmother! I have wrinkles! And I have acne? What the bloodclot, man? Being adult is hard enough without the leftovers of adolescence. Adult acne is so unpretty.


Anonymous said...

"what the bloodclot..."
the best thing you've ever said in a post.

M.Amanda said...

Me too. The teen years were torture. I kept thinking, "at least it'll go away when I'm older."


Well, it's not as bad now - as long as I am careful about washing. In humid weather, though, there's no stopping it. Not fair....