Thursday, September 21, 2006

Well, you're not a brain sugeon.

Yesterday I had a most irritating run-in with a cocky lawyer from the floor of my building. I am getting agitated just remembering it. I was leaving my office with a bunch of flowers that a co-worker gave me for finishing up a big project. This 30-something lawyer-- definitley the type of guy that cheats on his wife-- looks at me and the flowers in the elevator and says:

"Somebody loving you?" Well, a) that's sort of personal and b) um, yea, salt in the wound.
"No, it's from a co-worker because we just launched a big project." I reply.
"Oh, yea, you guys always look so happy in your office. Always smiling." he says.
"Really?" I ask, incredulously.
"Yea!" He retorts. "I mean, it's not a law firm. It's not like you guys have any stress. No one ever yells, over there."
"Yea right." I grumble, as I depart the elevator with my roses. Just because he might not give roses to a partner when they close a case and put that f*cker in jail doesn't mean he can be a condescending bastard, right?

So unpretty.

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