Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Spiking is scary.

I was sent this video today, and it hit really close to home. My pal Reds and I were in a bar in the Outer Banks this weekend. We're pretty sure we were given rufed (roofed?) drinks. Some weirdo guys who were staring and moving closer and closer to us bought us beers, brought them over to us and dropped off the drinks but didn’t stay to chat or introduce themselves. Reds and I clinked our bottles in cheers, then brought them up to drink—-at the same second we both smelled this lemony, chemical smell and looked at each other in surprise. We got freaked out, went upstairs and got new beers. The bartender poured the beer into a cup and drank and said it tasted weird. So, not to sound like your mom, but seriously, be careful. Because ending up in your underwear in a strange place would be far worse than unpretty.


Anonymous said...

The horror! The shame! You didn't give those bastards your name!

tone loc said...

Quagmire is always pulling the old roofie colada trick. Check it out.