Thursday, September 07, 2006

Soul Line

Has anyone else ever come across this show while channel surfing? It's absolutely hysterical and mesmerizing. All they do is show these random people soul line dancing for an hour. The camera just pans back and forth, no one looks at it, and the repetition is completely captivating.

I wish to God that the sound could have been recorded on this-but here's what you can imagine in your head: James Brown's "Get up Off that thang...and shake it till you feel better!"



tone loc said...

I saw this once before and proceeded to watch for a solid hour. Isn't it filmed on a boat? Or did I make that up?

aaronic said...

Seen it a few times too many.

If I have enough to drink and find this place, it's on.

Smedelicious said...

I've seen this...not in a while, but I've seen it. And somehow I end up watching it for at least 30 minutes, why?