Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I believe this is what you'd call a first-world problem.

Taxi cabs have GPS units. They have credit card machines. Some (in NYC) even have TVs. Yet, they cannot manage to have a receipt that prints out quickly!

When I know I have to ask for a receipt, I have a conundrum: do I tell them as we are nearing the stop that I need a receipt, and so as not to hold up traffic they end the fare and start printing (and I jyp them out of the last 20 cents)? Or, do I wait till we are stopped, then ask, causing an uncomfortable moment post-tipping as I wait?


miz cynical said...

I say it depends on the destination. If you know that you're going to be dropped off at an awkward location, ask for the receipt in advance. If it's an ok location where it's easier to pull over, ask for it when you get out of the cab. Easy Peasy :).

Anonymous said...

depends on the driver. they are mostly annoyed with anything we lowly consumers do, so i say, don't sweat it.