Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Me Thinks the Lady Doth Get Puncheth Too Much

see the black eye?

the tabs are saying they think its evidence she's had work done. and i agree...if by work they mean Guy Ritchie's fist.

ever since they've been together i always pictured Guy as some violent, ego-maniac threatened by Madonna's superior strength and success.

this is not the first black eye for her that the tabs have spotted. and usually, don't you get two black eyes from nose jobs or something? one seems weird.

plus, you know madonna picks some crazy, aggressive men to mate with. remember sean penn? great actor, agreed, but def nut case and temper tyrant.

madonna, i love you. don't take this crap. start hitting back or hit the road. one or the other.


miz cynical said...

I don't see Madonna as the victimized type. I agree that her husband, Guy, seems bitchy. But, I think if he touched her, she'd clock him right back with her super yoga toned arms :).

Anonymous said...

people are usually very different from the public persona they project.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it. Besides, if she has had one before then why didn't she learn her lesson? That's right, I went with that old joke!

Beanorama said...

um... what black eye?

Anonymous said...

he def. beats her. DEF.

tons of blind items about it bc no one would actually go there. but it's true.

also been reading thru some old blind items and found sad ones about heath. oy.