Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Kids say the durndest things.

So, while we are posting cute videos of kids, I thought I'd throw this gem in. Hadleigh and Megan are my precocious, adorable, sweet, smart little second cousins. They adore High School Musical. It's worth it to watch this video... at least until Hadleigh asks her "question."

(Hadleigh is in a white shirt and pink pants. She's a little blonde gal. Her sis is in red shirt, brown pants.)



miz cynical said...

She's a total star. I thought the kids were more interesting than the HSM "stars".

Flip Flop Girl said...

Hilarious question, er comment.

mo cheeks said...

that was amazing. they are going to be so embarrassed in a couple years.

MJL said...

H to tha L-o seems to have inherited the coolness gene from her Uncle Martin. Either that or she was stoned yesterday morning.