Sunday, February 03, 2008

Motherly Love

as we all know, tonight was the superbowl. when i casually asked my mom tonight who she was rooting for, she promptly replied and with a sharp tongue, "oh, whichever team tom brady is NOT on."

this intrigued me. i didnt know my mom would even have an opinion, let alone such a specific and somewhat aggressive response.

"why's that?"

she shrugged her shoulders and wrinkled her nose and made a squeamish face. "he's just...TOO perfect. and i hate perfect people. except for you."

i considered it a compliment. sorry, tom.


mo cheeks said...

hahaha. adorable.

but i'm sorry to hear your mom must hate me :(

Anonymous said...

totally. sorry.

miz cynical said...

He's not perfect. He's a no-good baby daddy.

Beanorama said...

OMG. I was planning to write: "He's not perfect. He's a deadbeat dad."

But you got it covered, Miz C!

miz cynical said...

Wow. We're starting to think the same? Scary!